Explain about PEGA application Case design for PEGA CLSA?

sindhuja cynixit
6 min readFeb 1, 2021


The PEGA application for case management enables the integration of work covered by a single case. For example, three separate sub-cases may be formed in a single customer loan request case, each with its process handled by case managers in separate departments. While a sub-case can be managed independently of the other, users of case management can easily access, consolidate, exchange and manage the mutual work and details related to the initial case.

PEGA Case Design

The design of Case Management is regulated on the Case Management landing page by the Case Designer gadget. You use it to configure case types that cover relationships and meanings of processes. The gadget helps you to the following.

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  • Create new case types that create a class, case form, starting flow, and workgroup rule automatically.
  • Reconfigure the current relationship-covering case form.
  • Defines many facets of the handling of jobs, including:
  • Subcases and processes are automatically and conditionally instantiated or begun.
  • Case priorities and deadlines, work parties, and concepts of access functions.
  • Settings to restrict the number of pending, open cases and to determine if a subcase needs to be resolved to resolve its parent.
  • Categories of attachments to manage read/write access to sub-case attachments.
  • Automatic propagation of data values from cases to new sub-cases.

This article explains how to use the Case Designer gadget to extend a single PEGA application structure of the job type into a case management PEGA application that uses a relationship of the case and sub-case type.

Tips for PEGA CLSA certification

PEGA application

There is one form of the job called Loan. With the PEGA application Accelerator, the PEGA application was developed.

The credit method would be reconfigured to replace the Underwrite assignment with a new type of job (referred to as a case type) called Underwrite, protected by the Loan top-level case type. Start Underwrite will have its key method called the new case form.

PEGA application design requirements

Requirements for PEGA application design are as follows.

  • When the user creates a Loan top-level case, the framework must automatically generate an Underwrite sub-case (instantiate the Underwrite case type). If the user is a supervisor, the user must also have the option of creating additional Underwrite subcases manually from a user form or the portal of the Case Manager.
  • The Underwrite sub-case(s) must be resolved before it is possible to resolve the parent loan case.
  • The Underwrite sub-case has three days, 12 hours, and four days, 12 hours, respectively, target and deadline times. The dates are measured, automatically or manually, from the time the sub-case begins.
  • The Underwrite case may be attached to a file containing a loan analysis report if the user has a manager position as specified in a related attachment category.
  • For the Underwrite job form, three task parties must be specified: Customer, CaseManager, and Loan Officer.
  • In the case of Underwrite, loan customer work party data (full name, email, mark, and party role) must be accessible when it is generated so that the user does not have to re-enter the data.
  • A spin-off flow (a supporting mechanism used for out-of-sequence assignments in the overall case process) called Background Check is included in the Underwrite process, which begins automatically if the loan value reaches $100,000. The method can also be manually started by the user who works on the subcase of Underwrite.
  • Using a distinctive icon that appears in user types and the Case Manager portal. The user must be able to quickly differentiate Underwrite from Loan instances.
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1. Add the PEGA Case Form Underwrite

Using the Case Designer gadget, you can perform almost all the above configuration tasks. Go to > Processes and Rules > Case Management > Case Planner to use the gadget. In the Case Builder, and the Program Explorer, as seen here, the loan job class appears:

In the Case Designer tree, select the loan object, right-click, and then select Add.

Select the New Radio button in the Case Designer dialog, and in the Name area, enter Underwrite.

Click OK. In the new class, the framework generates rules that include a StartUnderwrite default starter flow, a case type (by default), and a work party type (pyCaseManagementDefault). A copy of Work-.pyStandardCMAssignment is the flow. The method uses the last section of the job class name prefixed by the word “Start.” to create a Flow Name key element. The new case type Underwrite appears in the Case Designer indented under Loan as shown below. This implies that Underwrite is a loan-covered case form.

In the tree, click Loan to open a rule with its case form. Notice that you have added the Underwrite class to the Coverable Job Types list.

2. Defining the conditions of PEGA case instantiation and resolution

Select Loan, right-click, and then select Specified > Instantiation to define these settings.

The Instantiation dialog is shown.

Select the Checkbox Required for Loan Resolution. By default, manual and automated instantiation options are selected and do not need to be changed. In the Permitted When the field next to the Instantiation manual field, enter the When rule. This rule restricts this method to operators belonging to the Access supervisor category only. This behavior does not appear in user forms or the portal if the user does not fulfill this requirement.

3. Defining Underwriting general case priorities and deadlines

Right-click Underwrite, and pick Description > Targets and Deadlines.

Pick the Me radio button in the Goals and Deadlines dialog and enter 3 Days and 4 Days in the Goal Time from Start and Deadline From Start areas, respectively.

Click OK. When you first use this configuration, the framework generates a data transform rule called .pyDefault in the Underwrite class and a service level rule named .pyCaseTypeDefault (which includes the dialog settings) in the Underwrite class.

Open the Data Transform Rule in the Program Explorer to see the settings. The first row indicates that .pySLAName is set to .pyCaseTypeDefault, meaning that this service level rule is included in the .pyOverallSLA flow rule.

You may optionally add another row that sets the Underwrite case ID prefix to ‘UW-’ to easily define the case type in user forms and the Case Manager portal.

If you have changed it, save the rule.

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4. Associate Underwrite with a type of attachment

This phase assumes that you have established an attachment category rule limiting attachment permission so that if the user has a management function, a credit check report is automatically attached to the Underwrite event.

Right-click Underwrite, and then pick Defines > Attachments.

In the Attachments dialog, add a row, and in the Category area, select the attachment category rule.

Pick a form of file (File).

Specify a definition.

Click the Browse button in the Reference field to find the file that will be attached. Pick the checkbox for Auto-Attach.

Click OK. Your settings are mirrored in Case of Designer, as is seen here:

5. Defines the job parties

Right-click Underwrite, then select Definitions > Parties.

In the Parties dialog box, change the default Feature and Description values as shown here:

Press Yes. This modifies the default .pyCaseManagementDefault rule for working groups by default (created when you added the Underwrite case type). This rule is also referenced in the Work Parties Rule area of the Underwrite Case Style rule form. Notice that this rule overrides any work-party rule referenced in this case type’s starting flows. Then the Work Parties area on the Processes tab of the Flow rule form.

6. Defines the spread of data from Loan to Underwrite

Right-click and select Established > Data Propagation. Select Loan.

Enter the values according to the design criteria in the Data Propagation dialog space. The Work Party values on the Loan work page are copied to the Underwrite work page when the Underwrite subcase is formed.


This article concludes that we can not do the application building with engineering. Stick to simple fundamentals and try as much as possible to exploit the new features. The PEGA design document is the application’s key and tries to add some spice to it as much as it is useful. Another main field where we can think about the selection of each layer and the types of work is ECS. You can go through the certification with these topics and other topics through PEGA online training.



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