Explain about PEGA Testing?
PEGA Testing is away from conventional practices of testing. Let’s see how distinct it is. And what makes PEGA a really good testing automation tool? PEGA has a built-in feature that is known as the AUT or PEGA Automated Unit Test. PEGA is a PRPC developed, licensed, and marketed by Pegasystems (PEGA Rules Process Commander). Automating the program code is its primary feature. Using Java and OOP, PEGA is designed and basically helps to create interfaces for business analysts, systems analysts, and developers. To construct applications in PEGA, these interfaces are used. We at H2K Infosys highly recommend QA online training, a rigorous 100-hour instructor-led, live process training, as PEGA is closely associated with Manual Testing and Regressive Testing.
It is strongly recommended for analysts to break away from the conventional testing environment for PEGA testing in order to simplify the QA testing process.
And what’s PEGA?
Technically, PEGA is a tool for Business Process Management (BPM). These technologies can then be implemented to minimize time and effort on intranet and web services. In the Finance/Banking/Healthcare sector, this instrument is commonly distributed in building applications.
To get in-Depth knowledge on Pega testing you can enroll for a live demo on Pega testing online training.
PEGA’s Features
PEGA’s greatest gain is that the developer does not need to design the applications from the ground up.
The built-in system has a dashboard for process management from which users can view all assigned tasks and dashboard reports.
Tools help to deploy applications at a much faster pace than applications based on Java.
It provides a programming environment that is versatile and extensible.
What is PEGA testing?
This is the research carried out on applications of Pega. It is the ideal tool for unit testing efficiency.
Users will be able to test the Decision Rules, Automatic Regression Testing, Integrations, and Flow Rules by adding the PEGA Unit Testing function to the PEGA instrument.
It is possible to test the following rules using the new update. They are important for the overall quality of the application to be improved.
- The Operations
- Pages for Data
- Flows For
- If The Rules Transform Data
- Case types, etc.
Now, where is AUT going to get into the picture? With the AUT, the rules are automated in such a way that when they are re-run, any improvements in the rules can be captured.
The following debugging rules are captured by the framework, apart from AUT,
- Clipboard Board
- The Tracer
- Inspector for UI
- DB Tracer-Tracer
- SMA Airlines
Before meeting the development team, the QA team performs testing in the Agile environment using the above-mentioned tools so that the errors/bugs can be fixed easily.
Being a PEGA tester, in order to be able to validate the application construction, they should know the following.
- Laws on operator ID
- RuleSetting
- The Access Group Group
- Definition of Worklist
- Concept WorkBasket
- Agreements at Service Stage
- Declarative Statements such as Table of Decisions, Tree of Decisions, etc.
Process commander
Process Commander offers advanced Automated Unit Testing capabilities to help ensure that there are no unanticipated consequences of changes implemented into an application. The Test Management Framework (TMF) is a product available separately, in addition to built-in testing features. Thus, you can use it to orchestrate the framework. Then the report is on functional testing across Process Commander applications within the company.
Take your career to new heights of success with the Pega testing course
What is accessible for testing?
Automated Unit Testing’s capabilities are as follows.
- Creation and execution within the application itself of test cases for flows and other rules
- Inclusion in the test cases of input values and predicted outcomes
- Ability to update previously reported test cases and predicted outcomes with new input data
- Flows of instruments with flow markers, input fields, and variations in values
- Preservation of test cases for potential use with the implementation and versioning of test cases so that improvements are included in the permanent record.
- Auto-generation of test cases for rulings
- Ability to manually run test cases, group them and run them as a suite, or run them from the Test Management System
- Ability to interpret and save findings as part of the test cases themselves.
- Ability to equate outcomes with previous runs and to neglect specific variations
- The Test Management System can be ordered separately and is a ready-to-use program that applies best practices in evaluating various applications for Process Commander. Refer to The System for Test Management.
Main Automated Unit Testing Features & Attributes
Test cases and unit test suites are the main features of the built-in Automated Unit Testing by Process Commander.
Cases Studies
You can record the run of a flow rule and other types of supported rules and save the run inside the application itself as a test case. For the test case itself, the predicted outcomes are saved and that test case is specifically correlated with the flow or decision in the system. You may open the results and analyze them from the list of previously reported test instances for a flow or decision. Directly from the flow or decision, it is connected with, you can run an individual test case.
Differences are shown during the playback of a recorded test case, and you may opt to ignore differences for future runs, enter new input data, and overwrite the saved test case with the new input data along with the predicted results that are changed. You can set and save flow markers for flows to jump directly to specific points in the flow run without the same details being entered at all times.
- Running a case for flow tests
- Autogenerate Test cases for decision
- For decisions, for all the decision permutations, you can autogenerate test cases.
- Running a case for flow tests
Test Suites for Units
You can combine the test cases into a unit test suite and run the suite all at one time to run the test case package. Test suites can run once or scheduled to run automatically at periodic intervals. You can build and schedule test suites from a single location on the Automated Unit Testing landing page’s Schedule gadget.
Gadget scheduling and unit test suite scheduling
Landing Page for Automated Unit Testing
With the Automated Unit Testing landing page, you can operate from a single location with test cases and unit test suites. From the PEGA button, you can enter the landing page and run test cases. Then view the results of test case runs and suite runs.
Landing page for Automated Unit Testing
Critical Terms
Automated Unit Testing:
The name of a Process Commander framework feature that allows you to automate the application’s unit testing.
- Input data:
Entered values for the unit test.
- Regression test:
A test conducted after modifications has been made and designed to determine whether any adverse effects have been caused by the modifications.
- Resolution of the law:
The algorithm used by the Process Commander to decide which instance of the rule to apply in a case.
- Test case:
A test run that was registered for subsequent playback and saved.
- Test Management Framework (TMF):
A product used for orchestrating functional testing of Process Commander applications that can be ordered separately.
- Unit test:
A run of a particular rule that uses input data.
- Unit test suite:
A collection of test cases that as a group can be run together.
This is a brief overview of PEGA testing. You can learn more in detail about Pega Testing through PEGA Testing Training.