Explain the Skimming concept in PEGA for PEGA CSSA?
Skimming produces a variant of the Rule Set that includes the highest version of the current rules. The wizard will recognize the highest-numbered version for each rule instance in the given Rule Set and generate a copy with an even higher number that you choose. Let us discuss the skimming concept within Pega.
Skimming Up (Major version) in PEGA
The wizard uses the number you assign as the main portion of the target version for a major skim, and sets the minor and patch values of the target version to ‘01.’
Pick Software > Rule Administration > Skim a Rule Set…
Select a Rule Set and major version as the source in the form that appears with the Major Version Rule Set Skim radio button selected, and specify a two-digit number for the current major version.
Increase the latest main version number by 1. Usually, Up to 99. You can select any higher number. Jumping to a high number can limit your ability to carry out future growth.
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Skim Main in PEGA
Although a picklist is used in the From Major Version area, the only item that appears is the major version component of the Rule Set that you choose.
Skim, click in PEGA
When the process is complete, the form indicates the number of moved and missed documents. To see a comprehensive error report, click the Total Number of Errors link if an error has occurred.
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Full Skim in PEGA
Skimming Up (Minor version) in PEGA
The wizard carries forward the main version of the Rule Set source version for a small skim and uses the numbers you assign as the minor and patch sections of the goal version.
Pick Software > Rule Administration > Skim a Rule Set…
Select a Rule Set as the source in the form that appears, with the Minor Version Rule Set Skim button selected, and from the two picklists displaying all patch versions in that minor version, select the lowest and highest versions that will be verified by the wizard. Then include a target version in the To New Version sector.
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Small Skim in PEGA
Skim, click. The form will indicate the number of records transferred and missed when the process is finished. If an error has occurred, the description of the Total Number of Errors will lead to the comprehensive error report.
Following skimming in PEGA
Lock each of the source Rule Set versions on its Protection tab when your skim operation is complete. This means that only in the newly-created version can developers add or change rules.
Down Compress in PEGA
Compressing several versions of a RuleSet into one version and discarding the source versions is often useful. For example, you may want to consolidate them if a series of development attempts have left a confusingly large number of versions of Rule Set.
Pick Tools > Rule Management > Rule Set Copy/Move.
The Maintenance wizard for Rule Set appears in PEGA
Pick the Transfer radio button, and then move the versions of the Rule Set that you want to compress to the right-side box. Do not include in this list the goal version.
Choosing a Rule Sets source in PEGA
Source Order is meaningful. When the compression happens, the wizard checks the Rule Sets in the right-hand list, starting at the top, and gathers the first version of each rule it finds, except as mentioned below. There are discarded redundant rules. The wizard deletes the Rule Sets source when processing is complete.
Compress Rule Sets with prerequisites starting from the first dependency rule set. For instance, if Rule Set A has Rule Set B as a prerequisite, and Rule Set B has Rule Set C as a prerequisite, then A, B, and C are the order in which you should compress Rule Sets. You risk missing any rules if you compact Rule Sets in the order C, B, and A.
Overwriting in PEGA
Only click Next. A screen for feedback appears. Click Next if you are pleased with your settings and choices.
A report indicates the number of rules compressed into the target version of the Rule Set when the process is completed, and the source versions are removed.
Combining Merge versions for Rule Set in PEGA
You can combine several Rule Set versions into a new Rule Set. This can be useful when enhancing the application’s organization and encouraging the reuse of rules.
Pick Tools > Rule Management > Rule Set Copy/Move. The Maintenance wizard for Rule Set appears.
Wizard Care Set of Laws in PEGA
Select the radio button for Copy or Transfer.
If you choose Copy, the Rule Sets source you chose will be unaffected.
If you select Transfer, after copying the highest version of each rule from the Rule Sets source to the Rule Set goal, the Rule Sets source will be deleted.
From the list on the left, pick one or more rule sets and pass them to the list on the right. The Rule Sets that will be processed are these. When processing starts, the wizard tests the Rule Sets in the right-hand list, beginning at the top of the list, and collects the first version of each rule that it finds. In the Rule Set Versions list, duplicate rules are ignored, not copied to the target.
Provide the name of the destination Rule Set and the version to receive the copied rules to the right of the form. Specify how to manage disputes with the wizard — if a source rule overwrites a copy of a rule that already exists in the Rule Set goal.
Merge goal in PEGA
Only click Next. A method for analysis emerges.
Select Next if all is as you want.
A report emerges when the process ends. The list of laws that were copied to their new position and those that were missed can be checked. For further study, you can export this overview.
Copying the Rule set in PEGA
Copy a version of a RuleSet to another name for a Rule Set
To copy the contents of a version of Rule Set to another name for Rule Set:
Pick Tools > Rule Management > Rule Set Copy/Move.
Switch the Rule Set edition that you want to copy from the left box to the center box (the Rule Management wizard allows you to copy versions, but not full Rule Sets). Click the radio button for Copy.
Collection of guidelines for copying in PEGA
Enter the name and version of the Rule Set on the right side of the form that you want to copy. Specify whether the source rules in the Target Rule Set overwrite any current rules.
Only click Next. A method for analysis emerges. Select Next if all is as you want.
A report will appear when the process is completed. The list of rules that were copied and those that were missed can be checked. For further study, you can export this overview.
Deletion of Rule Set delete (s) in PEGA
You may remove an entire version of Rule Set or Rule Set from your application. Make sure the edition of Rule Set or Rule Set you choose to uninstall does not have any rules reviewed, is unlocked, and is not in use.
Select File > Archive Export (zip)… You intend to remove a copy of the Rule Set in order to preserve it (in case your plans change and you need to recover it.).
Specify the name of the Rule Set file and, optionally, the version to be saved in a zip file.
Exporting Resources in PEGA
Click on the Build Zip File icon. If you need to undo the removal later, you can re-import the Rule Set from the zip file.
Choose Software > Rule Management > Rule Set Deletion.
Specify the Rule Set in the form that appears and, optionally, the version to be removed.
Specify a version of Rule Set to delete in PEGA
Click Delete. If the deletion is complete, the application will show a list of rules that may apply to the deleted version or Rule Set. These versions will need to be revalidated.
I hope you conclude about skimming topic in PEGA. You can learn more topics for your CSSA certification through PEGA CSSA online training.