PEGA RPA Desktop Automation

sindhuja cynixit
6 min readNov 28, 2020


To automate routine and unattended back-office operations directly from your Pega Platform application, you can use the Robotic Process Automation (RPA). In contrast with manual processing, you can batch process large amounts of cases faster and with fewer errors.

For instance, to process one or more phases of an automotive insurance claim, you can queue automation. The claim can redirect automatically to a virtual machine for robotic automation once a claim submits (VM). The VM runs automation that analyses the information submitted with the argument, looks up and verifies information about the policyholder, and updates case information for web and desktop apps.

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If you introduce automation for your case sort, case assignments are first redirecting it to work queues for robotic automation. You must retrieve the assignment from the queue and obtain the assignment for Vm and associate case data. Then you can perform the specific automation. Any changed data sent back to the case after the assignment to process. Then the VM retrieves the next assignment to process.

Integration of PEGA robotic desktop

To minimize mistakes, automate, and integrate processes on the desktop and give the workers more time to concentrate on higher-value, customer-oriented tasks.

You can use Pega RPAto produce automation, you can:

  • Synchronize customer account information for all your desktop apps.
  • Open or close programs on the screen automatically.
  • Send modified customer account information to one or more online or desktop apps from your PEGA Platform TM application.

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Streamline workspaces for apps.

Users do not need to switch between multiple apps to change information while automating communication between different desktop apps.

In your app, for example, customers can send a request to change their account details. RPA or automation can recover information about customer accounts from an app running on the desktop of a caseworker. And view it within an application form for review. Another automation tool will send the modified account information from your application to the desktop app of the caseworker.

You can discuss the following topics in this article:

  • Creation of Automation.
  • Methods for combining the framework with automation.
  • Integration of Flow Motion
  • Integration of Data Page.

Creation of Automation

Using PEGA RobotStudio to build an automation device that is compatible with your PEGA application. With the following details, the automation developer must configure the Robotic Activity.

  • Case Class Type
  • Name for Robotic Operation

All the fields needed as part of the automation to get or set data.

The names must all fit those from the Flow or Data Page operation.

For example, there might be fields within your PEGA application that users can edit or alter. And the same values you want to submit to the automation to fill out other fields. Automation receives the necessary values (for example, first name, last name, and email address) and then feeds the information to all the required apps running on the desktop, performs the steps required, and obtains the required fields from those apps (for example, Credit Score and National Insurance Number). These fields must identify as important records.

The fields you add to the Case Designer or Data Designer automatically marks it as significant records. You may also add other fields (properties) which generate on the Related Records landing page in the Designer Studio.

After a class name defines the PEGA Robot Studio developer, the automation retrieves the fields that mark as relevant records and the developer may choose which of those fields to share. Scalar data can exchange between your app and automation only.

Methods for combining the framework with automation

This is via flow actions or through data pages, you can source automation in your application.

Integration of Flow Motion

Using the flow action method to automatically gather information from a legacy system before using a pre-processing action to show it to the user. You can also retrieve information from a user before submitting it via a post-processing action to the automation logic for further processing in other apps. The following figure displays the form of flow operation and the behavior of pre-processing and post-processing.

Setting up actions for pre-processing and post-processing in a flow action

The following activities are in this figure:

  • Automation to change the user address is running.
  • Forwarding the data to other device apps.


There is a 60-second timeout for the Flow Action combination that you can’t raise. This timeout saves users from waiting for the automation to load the screens for an extended period.

Automations for Pre-processing

You can run Flow Action Automations to retrieve information from an application that runs on the desktop of a user and view the information in an app window.

When a customer service representative (CSR) receives a call from a customer in an example PEGA Customer Service program, automation runs on the desktop of the CSR. Automation retrieves customer details such as an address, name, phone number, etc from a legacy program that is running on the CSR desktop. And it shows PEGA Customer Service’s account number and related information.

Automations for Post-processing

You can run post-processing automation to send details to the apps that are running on the user’s desktop that users enter your app.

A post-processing operation, for example, will submit the modified address to another app running on the desktop of the CSR. In another case, in your application, a client may challenge a transaction. A post-processing action may submit information on disputes. Such as the name of the transaction or the reason for the dispute to a legacy app.

Read More Info Here: Pega rpa course

Integration of Data Page

From a data page in your framework, you can also source your automation. By populating page and page list properties with relevant data, depending on the circumstances and the business use case, data pages provide automatic access to data.

You can configure your automation to pull the FICO customer score from another program, for instance. In the CSR program, the automation will load the score on the data page and then populate fields.

For instance, see the following figure:

“Sourcing robotic automation through a data page”

Automation of procurement by using a data page

The following activities are in this figure.

Data page configuration by specifying your data model and editing mode.

Choose Robotic Desktop Automation as the automation source and define the ID for the automation operation to invoke it by the robot. This value must match the Activity Name in PEGA Robot Studio’s Robot Activity Form.

By using the request transform, mapping data into the robot. By using the response transform, the map outputs back to your data model.


Data page processing may take a long time to complete because the completion of the assignment stops before the robot finishes the work and returns the data to the data page. By configuring the data page timeout, you can change the data page and the robot completion time.

In the previous case, the automation pulls from a legacy app the FICO score of the customer and loads it onto the data tab. Then, as shown in the following figure, the data populates the CSR’s screen via a UI request.


I hope you conclude about PEGA RPA desktop automation. The RPA in Pega automates the processes for faster results. You can learn more about RPA and other topics through Pega rpa training.



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