Performance tool PAL for PEGA CSSA in PEGA application development
Process Commander is a strong software product for businesses that is the basis for many different types of PEGA applications. These systems can be configured to manage large volumes and store quantities of data on work objects. Bad output, such as processing delays, refreshing screens, submitting work objects, or other PEGA application features, may signal that it is possible to change the PEGA application design or server configuration. It is important to be able to recognize the root of such issues quickly. It is important for a CSSA to learn about this topic
In order to recognize these inefficiencies or inefficient use of resources in your PEGA application, Process Commander collects the details required.
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PAL is a method that can be used to gain insight into where the system is spending resources; use PAL to assess whether the output is impaired by resource problems, or may begin to do so when adding more load to the system.
Readings for PEGA CSSA
PAL readings are not intended to provide a definitive response to developers regarding performance issues. PAL readings instead highlight processes that fall outside of the standard. There could be good explanations that a specific PEGA application has readings at a certain amount, depending on how the PEGA application is constructed; anything that may be considered too high reading, in general, could be right for your PEGA application. PAL allows the developer the opportunity to mark these readings and clarify them, as well as analyze problem readings.
PAL is intended for use in the test (development) and production environments as well.
- Usage in development PAL readings to troubleshoot issues.
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Strategies for Performance Testing for PEGA CSSA
During all the major steps in a PEGA application’s life cycle, PAL should be used. It is intended to give the developer insight into the performance profile of the PEGA application processes they are constructing during the time they are constructing them. PAL is also designed to be used for QA, as well as performance and scale checking during the testing phases. Lastly, to help detect production problems, it is available for use in manufacturing.
It might be appropriate to run through them once before taking PAL readings for most of the business processes. The Rules Assembly of the Rules used in the process which occurs the first time every process is run, which will skew the output numbers. For processes where Rules Assembly has already occurred (since it can only occur once in a correctly constructed system), PAL readings should always be taken. If the Rules Assembly continues to continue to occur once after the procedure has been run, it will be a concern for further investigation.
The strategy of Growth in PEGA
Along with other instruments such as DBTrace and the System Management Framework, PAL should be used during development to analyze and forecast the output consequences of the specific business process under construction.
They will gather PAL information for each user screen in the process as a developer starts to iteratively build their business process, such that as the process is altered, the developer can see how the performance profile changes, and can thus easily determine whether a given change has produced positive or negative performance repercussions. A new set of PAL readings will be taken every time a shift is made; each set would be stored for comparison with the previous and next set.
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QA Strategy in PEGA
In the QA cycle, PAL programs attempt to identify performance problems that can be found during regular functional testing. The bulk of QA is achieved by running “scripts” to test a PEGA application’s various functional areas; there could be a variety of different business processes conducted in development by different types of users. QA should run their test scripts for each of these processes until no errors occur in the process. Once an error-free test is completed, the QA engineer can take a PAL reading, conduct the end-to-end business process, take another PAL reading, and check the Information Screen to get a sense of the performance consequences from start to finish of that specific business process. For each business process in the PEGA application, this sequence should be followed to provide a view of the aggregate output of the PEGA application.
Strategy for Efficiency and Scale testing in PEGA
Scale testing should be performed to ensure that the output for a single user does not degrade when more users are introduced to the system. This method of research tests the confinement of resources.
Start this test by monitoring a single isolated user on the Process Commander target system ( i.e., this system can only be used by this user right now). As with the above QA test technique, follow the steps for this isolated consumer below:
- Identify in the PEGA application a particular business method to be checked.
- Take a thorough reading of PAL before running the operation.
- Run the end-to-end operation.
- In the target hardware environment, this will provide a performance benchmark for this single user.
Repeat the above step as the device adds new users. For instance, run the business process for one of these users for 100 users and take the same PAL readings; compare these to the isolated user’s baseline readings. The PAL readings do not adjust for one user in a perfect system (as the readings are centered on one requestor). If the framework is well designed, on an average user basis, the number of users does not have a material effect on the performance profile of the PEGA application.
Performance may be affected at certain user levels when resources are not available; it may be appropriate to set the JVM or other device resource levels higher at this point.
Strategy of Production in PEGA
Similar to the QA model, the production model is as follows.
- Identify in the PEGA application a particular business method to be checked.
- Take a thorough reading of PAL before running the operation.
- Run the end-to-end operation.
- Collecting output details from your PEGA application Process Commander
Protocol of Best Practice Planning for a PAL In PEGA
The method of collecting performance data for review is detailed in this section. This knowledge can then be submitted for analysis to the PEGA application developer.
To gather this information, it is not necessary to be a PEGA application developer; Process Commander makes it simple for anyone to run the collection process of PAL and monitor results.
In order to take readings, it is important to have a portal that gives the user access to the Tools gadget; the user must also have the right to operate the checked workflow.
How to decide when to use PAL
Users should adopt this PAL data collection method when they conclude that there is a performance issue. The device may respond slowly or there may be system errors (“Out of memory”).
Users need access to the PAL tool to complete this phase, which is available as a performance option from the Run menu.
In the development of a new PEGA application, QA can take PAL readings as an ongoing part of their testing phase. It is important to set up a User Scenario (use case), and take readings as stated in the next section.
This user scenario must be plausible, i.e. it must be something that the system users actually do, otherwise, the PAL readings would be meaningless. Open New Work Object may be an example of a normal, realistic user scenario.) QA can discover that more than one user scenario must be generated in order to fully evaluate the PEGA application’s performance.
I hope you have got insights on the PAL tool in PEGA. It is very important for a PEGA CSSA in performance testing. You can learn about the PLA tool and other performance testing indicators through PEGA CSSA online training.