Process management for PEGA BA and OBJ browse method
Pegasystems, a software solutions company, is a leading supplier of business process management (BPM) and CRM software solutions in the IT industry. “Build For Change” is the slogan of Pegasystems.
Since the early 1980s, Pegasystems has been at the forefront of rules-based business automation systems, a natural result of the groundbreaking work of our founder in computerized chess play. In recent years, our BPM business has expanded at twice the pace of the overall BPM industry as more and more organizations have concluded that business process management suites are a “must-have” technology. At the same time, Pegasystems has consistently been ranked as the leader in the competitive BPM market by major analysts including Forrester and Gartner.
Pegasystems acknowledges that providing real-world market advantages easily and efficiently is what it all boils down to the following.
PEGA BPM puts business users in charge of process design and production more than any other process management suite, while automating much of the development of code and minimizing dependency on technologists.
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PEGA inheritance
PEGA BPM’s proprietary inheritance technology enables a multi-layered process model in which a complex mix of enterprise-wide rules. Then you can process the basis with an overlay of context-specific refinements that is ideal for specific regions, product lines, networks, or customers. This model helps you to capture a real-world combination of the universal and the unique representation in your BPM services.
PEGA BPM provides a complete range of industry-specific solutions to speed up the time-to-benefits, focused on best practices in financial services, etc. Moreover, to enhance insurance, healthcare, telecommunications, government, and others. We also offer customized BPO applications and BPO solutions for business process outsourcing companies.
The PEGA business process management suite empowers business users, accommodates real-world variety, and pays rapid dividends as the ideal forum for enterprise-scale business performance management or business process integration initiatives as well as for more specifically tailored pilot projects.
End-to-End Facilities for enterprise process management
To help all phases and aspects of your BPM project, Pegasystems provides expert business process management services:
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Design analysis
The business process management services team at Pegasystems will assist you with a detailed review of your application design to get your BPM project started on the right foot. PEGA BPM services staff will offer insightful input on both your concept and your design process, working side-by-side with your project team and leveraging best-practice design concepts.
Usability analysis-
No matter how well-designed an application is internally, and no matter how effective the underlying business process management system is if the user interfaces do not meet the needs of end-users, the application will not live up to its potential. From the customer perspective, the PEGA business process management services team can review your UIs and help you find ways to enhance user experience and improve user efficiency.
BPM Application
When your BPM application is up and running for six months to a year, PEGA professional services will assess the success of your application to see if you get your best potential return. Detailed PEGA business process management services review and input -personnel can help you fine-tune the application and refine potential applications as well.
Pegasystems’ seasoned BPM experts will coach your team on all the complexities of implementing an iterative and agile BPM approach that best leverages the PEGA BPM platform’s robust capabilities.
Many leading businesses are developing BPM-focused Centers of Excellence to accelerate BPM implementations around the sector. PEGA professional services will support you with all aspects of launching a BPM Center of Excellence, including strategy development, infrastructure creation. Then you can use it in the construction of a BPM knowledge base.
obj browse method
It is possible to use only the properties exposed as columns as selection criteria. Values of properties that are not exposed as columns may, however, be restored, including embedded properties.
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The following parameters are available for the Obj-Browse process.
Page Name:
Enter the name of the destination page that will contain the results of the search. Code-PEGA-List is used by the system as a class for this page.
Define a search class. One unique class, or all classes in a class category, may be searched for. The class may refer to a database table or a database view inside the PegaRULES database.
Max Documents:
Optional. Enter the maximum number of instances that you want to return at runtime from the list. The default value is 10,000 if left blank.
In the set of property values returned, pick to include the primary key. To exclude the primary key, simple.
Optional option. Leave it blank unless the class refers to an external table in the ObjClass parameter. Enter a property name in the external table, or an expression that contains one or more property names that define a specific key for the external table line.
Select to mark the embedded pages as read-only for the selected instances, meaning that the requestor will not update or remove the data on the page after processing. If you intend to update the embedded sites, leave them unselected.
The Logic:
Optional. Enter a Boolean statement that determines how to combine the rows of the parameter list. The Label field distinguishes rows. In this sentence, you can use the AND and OR operators and parentheses for grouping.
Enter a specific letter or identifier, referenced in the Logic field, for this line.
On each embedded tab, select to return the value of this property. This property is specified in the SELECT list at runtime in the resulting SQL statement.
Field: Enter a reference to a property. You may define the Single Value property, the property list or group, or the individual elements of the property list or group.
Such as Is Equal or Is Less Than, pick a reference.
Select Value Only if the search results contain the value of the property, but the value of the property is not intended to be used as a selection criterion.
To require the field to have a null value, select is Null.
Select Is Not Null to determine a value for the field.
If the property is not exposed as a column of a database, choose Value Only.
Enter a constant value for comparison, a property reference, or another expression. If the condition values only are empty, is not zero, is true, or is false, leave it blank.
If you enter an expression that includes function rules, Java, and properties on separate clipboard pages, the expression will be evaluated only once during runtime.
When you enter a property (which is exposed as a column) that belongs to the ObjClass class, the value for each row is evaluated.
To manage the sorting of results using this field, select No Sorting, Ascending, or Descending.
The screen below shows the process, Operation for obj-browse,
This is all about process management and obj browse method in PEGA. You can learn more about other concepts in Pega BA through Pega cpba training. This learning will take you to explore new things in this sector.